Definition of suitable
English to English adjective - Capable of suiting; fitting; accordant; proper; becoming; agreeable; adapted; as, ornaments suitable to one's station; language suitable for the subject.
source: Webster 1913 adjective satellite - meant or adapted for an occasion or use
A tractor suitable (or fit) for heavy duty. Not an appropriate (or fit) time for flippancy.
source: WordNet 3.0 - worthy of being chosen especially as a spouse
The parents found the girl suitable for their son.
source: WordNet 3.0 English to Tagalog adj - [siútabl] Bagay; lapat; marapat
source: Diccionario Ingles-Español-Tagalog
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suitable, suitably, stable, stabile, statutable, suadible, satiable, statable, stoppable, staple, stably, stubble, statutably, suggestible, stability, staphylea, stifle, see double, south pole, sight bill