Definition of salubrity
English to English noun - the quality of being salubrious and invigorating
source: WordNet 3.0 - The quality of being salubrious; favorableness to the preservation of health; salubriousness; wholesomeness; healthfulness; as, the salubrity of the air, of a country, or a climate.
source: Webster 1913 English to Tagalog noun - [seliúbriti] Kagalingan; kabutihan ng katawan
source: Diccionario Ingles-Español-Tagalog
Visual Synonyms
Nearby Word
sulphureity, sauce albert, silverite, scaleboard, silver-white, silvery-white, sulphuret, sulphurate, self-worth, self-pride, sulfurette, sulphurwort, sulphureted, sulfuretted, sulphurette, sulphaurate, slipperwort, sally forth, school board, sulphuretted